3 Advantages of Hammock Camping

Posted by Alex Gash

Lots of outdoor adventurists are switching from typical ground camping to hammock camping. But why?

Here are three of some of our favorite advantages that hammock camping has to offer. 

Comfortable Sleeping- No pressure points

We won't lie, hammock camping takes some figuring out. Positioning yourself in the hammock is key to a comfortable nights sleep. Once you figure out how to lay, hammock camping becomes much more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. 

For starters, there are no pressure points. Forget the rocks, roots, uneven campsites, sliding off your sleeping pad...etc. Sleeping between the trees allows you to have a consistent camping experience where ever you may be. This is the best nights sleep you've had since being in your mothers womb. 

The Boone Zip is our go to when it comes to an easy to use, comfortable, hammock sleeping system. 


Getting in and out of a tent can be aggravating, hard on the knees/back, and is not the ideal spot to hang out when you get to camp. 

A hammock, on the other hand, doubles as a chair for cooking, socializing, and relaxing by that amazing alpine lake view you just hiked your butt off to get to. 

You are also more versatile on picking a campsite. This is a huge advantage when camping at crowded destinations. Not having to rely on a flat piece of ground can lead you to some of the most amazing views in the area. 

Better in the Rain- High and Dry

Setting up camp in the rain can be a drag when tent camping. It is inevitable that your inner shell is going to get soaked. 

With hammock camping, you set your tarp up first, making it the only thing that gets wet. Once the tarp is set up, you have a nice 5-6' high shelter to do things like change clothes without getting your sleeping gear wet/dirty, cook dinner, and relax before it is time to fold in. 

The same holds true when you wake up and it is raining. You can take down your sleeping system, cook breakfast, and pack your bag while staying completely dry. 

Final Thoughts

We were all tent campers at one point. We don't hate tents, we just think hammocks offer an overall better experience when out in the woods. 

Bonus: When you have to go in the middle of the night, it is much easier to slip out of a hammock than it is to climb out of a tent!

What are your thoughts? Why do you tent camp vs. hammock camp? Vice Versa?



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